Building a Phenomenal Park

18 — 20 August 2021
Brussels, BE

In the summer of 2021, a residency period was organized at the Botanique for The Phenomenal Park with a large group of international master students, participants in the master’s programme Mapping the Urban (KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture campus Sint-Lucas Brussels). The group reflected and actively collaborated on the scenography of the subsequent exhibition at the Botanique (2021 – 2022). Several concepts proposed by the students were translated on a 1:1 scale (e.g. the lighting in the scenography, the demarcation of the ‘plots’ and the colour codes of the ‘park’). During this three-day event, the exhibition thus took shape even more as a playful Gesamtkunstwerk, as a space of imagination in which each participant developed a highly individual view of the city, a refreshing form of an urban model.