Splash Résidu

10 years TMML
Ghent, Brussels, BE

Explore Splash Résidu, a captivating publication delving into the intriguing world of residue aesthetics crafted by The Mental Masonry Lab (TMML) since its inception in 2014.

TMML is a dynamic collective fostering action and reflection in urban contexts, bringing together artists, designers, writers, scientists and passers-by. Central to TMML’s ethos is a fascination with residue, a substance

Both tangible and symbolic, existing on the fringes of control. Navigating the threshold between disappearance and manifestation, TMML engages in explorations across urban landscapes, from streets to museums, gathering inspiration for spatial experiments and public encounters.

Through media such as drawing, writing and exhibitions, TMML shares its discoveries and insights, transcending boundaries and inspiring curiosity. From Berlin to Brussels, TMML’s journey continues, shaping the artistic landscape along the way.